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Employee Farewell Letter Template

Saying Good-bye Gracefully
Published: August 30, 2016
Employee Farewell Letter Template
  • Category:Performance Management
  • Size:27 KB
  • Format:doc
  • Downloads:29994


Theme and Idea for Farewell Messages


It can be difficult writing a farewell message for an employee leaving your company, The actual message depends on the employee's reason for leaving the company. If the employee is leaving for a promotion or a better position elsewhere, write a congratulatory message or offer advice for the future. If they are leaving due to a personal illness or family illness, you may want to write a message of consolation or encouragement.

When you compose a farewell message for an employee leaving, you can turn to movies, television and books for inspiration. If you don't feel comfortable writing your own message, include a famous quote or line from a movie or television show. Several books contain compilations of quotes for any situation, from quotes of encouragement to quotes of sympathy. Once you identify an appropriate quote, include it in your message.

To remain professional, wish the employee luck and offer to provide assistance in the future, if applicable. You can also write about the employee's on-the-job achievements. Recall a favorite memory about the person and use the anecdote in your message. If the departing employee has a favorite hobby or sport, mention this in the message to personalize it.

If you craft your message carefully and present it with good thoughts, the employee will appreciate your gesture. Writing such a message may even give you networking opportunities for the future. You never know if that employee will end up as the manager of a company you would like to work for at some point.

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