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Why The Need For Good Communication At Work

Published: Aug 29, 2016
Why The Need For Good Communication At Work

If a message is not understandable communication has not taken place. If a manager, or supervisor, or surbodinate passes any message which is vague and confusing, communication has not taken place. Imagine I walk into an office where a worker is saying "My boss language is not understandable, his language is above me". In such a situation communication is not taking place and even if it is, it is a negative one.

What is an Effective Communication?

Communication is generally understood as spoken or written words. But in reality, it is more than that. It is the sum total of directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously transmitted words, attitudes, feelings, actions and gestures and tones. Even silence is an effective form of communication, A twist in the face is often more expressive disappointment than hundreds of words put together. Tone, often than not, destroys the meaning of the words uttered.

Effective communication is a learned skill, it is more effective when it’s spontaneous rather than formulaic. A speech that is read, for example, rarely has the same impact as a speech that’s delivered (or appears to be delivered) spontaneously. Of course, it takes time and effort to develop these skills and become an effective communicator. The more effort and practice you put in, the more instinctive and spontaneous your communication skills will become.

Conditions Necessary for Effective Commuication:

W. Schulz (1962) recommends the following as conditions which would ensue positive communication

1. The credibility and motive of the communicator.

2. Information should be communicated little by little.

3. In communication short sentences and farmiliar words are necesssary

4. Oral communication more effective than written.

5. Repeating communication is essential.

Importance of Communication

1.Communication is said to be the foundation of management. it is the life blood for the successful functioning of an enterprise.

2. Communication helps in establishing links between different hierarchies and functions of management.

3. It helps in coordination.

4. Good communication helps in motivating the workers.

5. It clears confusion, misunderstanding and delays in administration.

6. It helps in acheiving maximum productivity with minimum cost.

7. Proper communication helps in building genuine human relation.

Information must be understandable, transmittable, interactable before communicaton can take place. Effective communication is the cornerstone of management labour realations. Muddled communication could disrupt any enterprise whereas genuine could uplift it. Commuication must always be in good condition to succeed. Our strenght to send and receive information is very essential for communication to succeed.

To end this write up on communication, I give the last word to Peter Drucker, (1954). The manager has a specific tool: information. He does not handle people He motivates, guides and organizes people to do their work. His tool, his only tool, to do all his spoken or written word or language of numbers. No matter whether the job is engineering, accounting or selling, his effectiveness depends on his ability to listen and to read, on his ability to speak and to write. He needs skills in getting his thinking to other people as well as skills in finding out what other people are after.